Back in the Day

Club night at our house was special!  My sister, Donna, and I would lay in bed giggling along with the group of mother’s precious lifelong friends in our living room.  We loved these events and our excitement grew as family specialties were prepared, the house was polished and the elegant tablecloths and dishes were brought out from their hiding places. 

One of our chores was to fetch the box of small glass plates.  These plates were fanciful, used only a few times each year.  Some were square with ridges on the bottom, others a swirling oval shape with etched sprigs of flowers on the underside.  No matter the shape, each had a spot for holding a dainty clear tea cup.  As we listened from our upstairs sanctuary at the laughing, chatting and clinking cups on trays, we wondered what would be leftover in the morning for us to have our own private “Club” and practice at becoming gracious, chatting women one day.

It’s fun to reminisce; just as it was enjoyable listening in as a child on my Grandmother and mother do the same when they were with family and friends.  So many family stories and so much laughter as the olden days were recalled. 

This morning I read Psalms 143:5-6 and it got me thinking about enjoyable memories.  I thank God for family history recounted and recollections of superb fellowship with friends, but foremost I’m grateful for the works of His hand in my life.

I remember the days of old;
I meditate on all that You have done;
I ponder the work of your hands.
I stretch out my hands to you;
My soul thirsts for You like a parched land.  Selah

My Grandmother, in the green dress, and her "Club" using similar glass plates and cups.

The Perfect Way to Love

“Whenever we cannot love in the old, human way . . . God can give us the perfect way.” 

Corrie Ten Boom, The Hiding Place

After eight days just spent with five of our grandchildren in our downsized two bedroom home, sadly to say my old human love was running short.  Tonight, with an empty and quiet house, I'm so thankful to our gracious and merciful Father who is faithful to direct when needed in the perfect way.

Looking out my window

Observing older women, or as this blog title states, “LEARNING FROM AGED WOMEN THE SECRETS OF REVERENT LIVING” has become a favorite quest since passing the 60 year old mark myself.

God has blessed me with a fantastic neighbor, Doris.  In fact, all I need to do is look out my window to observe her reverent living in action.  Doris and her husband, Larry, both in their mid 70’s, are always busy and active.  You can catch one or both of this couple working in the yard, on their way to serve others or at church in one of many ways, off to help their son and family with projects, giving grandchildren and others rides on their zip-line, walking, biking, visiting with neighbors and more.

What I admire most about Doris is her loyalty.   By looking out the window I have observed her devotion to her husband, loyalty to her home, her family, to her friends, her neighbors and their church. 

Doris and Larry serving at a Valentine Dinner for couples with large families!

Living in the Midwest, it’s common to lose many of our retired residents to warmer climates, some for many months.  Doris and her husband stick around throughout our frigid winter and annually attend the Moody Conference in February, have been seen shoveling out neighbors after a large snowfall, arrive early at the Wednesday 7a.m. prayer group even when it’s below zero and in the midst of chemo treatments!   

I have observed Doris in social, neighborhood and church functions and the one action I admire highly is her daily walk.  It’s not far, down the street and back, over and over for twenty to thirty minutes.  In her hand is an index card which is referred to now and then.  Looking out the window I catch that quick card glance now and then, along with ever so slightly moving lips…Doris is memorizing scripture!  Doris is loyal to God!

Thank you, God, for giving me a picture of a reverent woman, demonstrating her secret by living it out right in front of me!

Pool Attire Du Jour

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, 
so says Proverbs 17:6

Swimming classes with Miller boys

Grandpa and grandsons at a water park

Who wouldn't love swimming with Hazel?

Today I will be sporting a visor as I romp in the pool with the “crown” of my old age!


Grandma, Nana and Nina! 

Those are my names depending on which set of my grandchildren I happen to be with at any one time.  It's when we mix and mingle our eleven grandkids that the name calling begins!

This scenario happens over and over.  For instance, Miles says something like, "Hey, Nana, come watch me play Wii", and little Caleb who overheard his cousin replies, "That's not Nana, that's Nina!"  We laugh every time and wait to watch the children's facial expressions.  Priceless!

Right now our Iowa grands are visiting for the week so for the most part I will be known as Grandma.  However, today while playing with their Illinois cousins a couple times I overheard one child correcting the other, "That's not Grandma, she's Nana", and vice versa.  I chuckled and imagined all the confusion going on in their little heads.  

I imagine one day in the future, when they are all grown up and too big for cute names, our ten grandsons and one Haze-girl will call me Grandma, or maybe Granny, as I addressed my own Grandma while in my teen years.  They will never know my heart’s desire was to be called "Marmee" by my grandchildren, but our daughters let the children call me whatever came out first.  And now, I love being called Grandma, Nana and Nina!

But now thus says the Lord,
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name, you are mine.
Isaiah 43:1

The Gray Haired Lady

Leaving home was not my desire.  Our daughter and family would be moving thousands of miles away in a few short days, our previous house, on the market for two years appeared to have a buyer, we would be leaving in three days for our 11th grandchild’s dedication, our daughter and five children were coming for a week and parts of my life seemed to be caving in around me.  Nevertheless, a road trip celebrating my dear friend’s 60th birthday seemed the ideal diversion!

For months, since Debbie’s birthday in March, we had planned to visit Revive Our Hearts in Niles, Michigan.  This was Debbie’s first time to sit in on a day-long session of radio recordings of Nancy Leigh DeMoss and nothing would hamper this road trip!

After a good night’s sleep we woke to a lovely day!  Debbie drew the curtains revealing the dawn and led us in a creaky, morning voice rendition of , “This is the Day That the Lord Hath Made”, then read the day’s devotion in her new favorite book, Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young.  Speedy showers, a half eaten breakfast, quick check-out at the hotel and off we went to the long awaited day of teaching and fellowship.

As Debbie parked her large, green SUV in front of Life Action Ministry headquarters I glanced at the cute little red crossover and the gray haired lady pulling up two spots away.   The gray haired lady smiled at me and in an instant I knew we would meet that day.  I turned to Deb and said, “That gray haired lady right there…I must meet her today!”

Chapter 1


Don't retire...

Retread for the years ahead!

I heard this the other day and thought it was a wonderful way of viewing our elder years!

Youthful Grace

There has never been a time when I didn’t like my name.  Julie Ann, I love my name! 

Back in 1951, the year I was born, mothers stayed in the hospital for one whole week.  As the day arrived for me to finally go home my parents still hadn’t picked out a name!   If it wasn’t for an ice skater on television that afternoon, named Julie Ann, I wonder who I would have been; Linda, Mary, Patricia, Deborah, Barbara, Susan and Nancy were the top names, Julie was way down the list at 99.  It wasn’t until True Woman ’10 that I discovered the true meaning of my name.

My friend, Debbie, and I found our seats early, in anticipation, with all the seats around us unoccupied.  Two women finally sat down right behind us and before long we were chatting, laughing and getting to know each other.  What were the odds of those two women having the names Julie and Debbie?  I’m not sure, but we were all surprised!  Soon I discovered God put them there for a reason.
Julie, I always knew the name meant “Youthful”, and I loved that meaning.  But when my new friend, Julie, shared with me the meaning of our mutual middle name, Ann, that’s the moment I fell in love with my name.  Youthful Grace!  The beauty of my name caused me to let out a sigh as I sank into my chair.  It took a few moments to take it in, Youthful Grace, Youthful Grace, it went swirling through my mind and then past my lips.  I love my name!  Thank you, Lord!  I love my name!

               But now thus says the LORD,
               he who created you, O Jacob,

               he who formed you, O Israel:
               “Fear not, for I have redeemed you,

  I have called you by NAME, you are mine.    Isaiah 43:1

Turning 60 years old in 2011, I shared on my Facebook page that this birthday was, “exhilarating!”  I had no fear of the days ahead, of being “Over the Hill” or put out to pasture, for I have been named by God Himself and I am His.  Youthful Grace!
This promise is not made to me alone, but to everyone who comes to Christ!  We all have the opportunity to be new creations, perpetual youthful grace, from now until our final breath.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The
old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17
Debbie and I at True Woman '10.  We will both be at True Woman '12, Lord willing!